UMass Boston

Website Services

Welcome to Website Services!

To report an issue with, please use the request form.

Website Request Form

Quick Links

 Blackboard  |  Webmail  |  WISER

Status Updates

The university website,, is online and functioning as expected.

About Website Services

Marketing & Engagement's Website Services Department ("Web Services") maintains the university website, mobile app, and related technical integrations. Often referred to as the "Web Team," we are a group of full-stack developers, digital designers, and strategists dedicated to improving UMass Boston's digital presence for internal and external audiences.

Web Services also provides support for the university community in the form of content edits, web editor training, digital form creation, email design consultation, ADA compliance advice, and more.

Website Requests

The Web Team accepts website and mobile app requests via the following intake form. For best service, please note the following:

  • Combine multiple requests into one submission
  • Be courteous to our hard-working Web Team
  • Updates about your request will email from
  • We are not the IT Team. IT handles email, WISER, network connectivity, passwords, software, and computer equipment via, 617.287.5220, and the IT Service Desk on the 3rd floor of Healey Library
  • We are not the HR Team. HR handles revisions to Directory listings via this form

Website Request Form